Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OK, Enough!

Ok, I am sooo over all the drama in my life. I want things to go smoothly for awhile. I try and keep things smooth but, something always comes up.
Had a doctors appt today. I have not been feeling too good lately, shakey, can't sleep, sweaty, nauseas with vomiting, feeling very flakey and forgetful, heart palpatations, anxious. Usual pregnant women things. The week before the doc did some blood work to check my thyroid because I have a history of hyperthyroidism. Well, the blood work came back and yes, I am hyper again. I am also having the symptoms of a thyroid storm, not good. They took my heart rate today and it was 160bpm. Again, not good. But my blood presure was 122/68. Excellant. They took some more blood today and if it looks good, then i am fine. If the levels are high, then we will do an amnio and if the babies lungs are developed, we will be inducing early. Granted I am 36 weeks so it is not that serious for her, I hope. And she is as big as my lsat 2 girls but it is just more drama I don't need. I called the hubby and told him and he is handling it as well as can be expected. 14,000 miles away and he can do nothing. But I wanted him to know what is going on so that if I call him next week and we have a new baby girl, he won't freak out. His first response, anger. Then he calmed a bit and is ok.
So if anyone is into prayer out there, pray that my levels come back ok and that I am just having hormone and anxiety issues. I will go and light a candle tonight. Pray to my dieties.And see what happens.

Update 7/19

Talked to the doctor today and my blood work is elevated but not high enough for them to induce me at this point. So they have started me on medicine to surpress my thyroid levels and hopefully put a halt to my symptoms. The only draw back is I have to go to have a non-stress test everytime I go to the doctor. The reason for that is the medicine that they put me on could also surpress the babies thyroid and heart rate. If the heart rate drops and the movements drop, then it is time to pull the plug. I think it will all be fine though. I have tough girls.
Now if I could get the husband settled a bit, all would be well. He is feeling the pains of the one month mark of being away from everyone. Anyone that has been there, knows what I am saying.


outoutout said...

Lots of prayers and thoughts coming your way!

The Prof said...

Oh my! I am glad that you can keep that one "cooking" a bit longer until your husband is back in town. I don't know how you're keeping it all together, being so far apart from one another. What are you doing for childcare when you go for those doctor's visits?

Kwirkie said...

Prof, I am usually taking them with me. That is always fun and interesting. Sarah likes to do a song and dance in the waiting room and goes and talks to all the people that come in. I think she is going to be our star! Not a shy bone in her body!